Upstate NY Babies

TTC #2 is over

My Vent:

Well it's done. B is going to be an only child, well biological child. I'm coming to terms with this fact, but it still stings. I went for my u/s and we found over 12 cysts that are solid (not fluid filled). If they don't go down or get bigger by my next u/s in April, I'll have to have a total hysterectomy. Since it's likely the cancer returning if they don't go away or get smaller, then I'll just have my ovary taken out. We chose not to go through with the biopsy since my cancer was slow growing and we are just choosing to remove my uterus and ovary. It's safest this way and I won't have to go through chemo again if it is cancer (well hopefully). My doctor doesn't think these will go away. So we are bracing for the worst hoping for the best. This isn't a complete shock since I knew it was very common for the cancer to return. I'm emotionally drained, so in a way this is a blessing b/c I won't have this dark cloud hanging over me any more. I am just so thankful that we were given B. I'll be fine, it's really her I worry about.

My Questions:  

So I posted this on another board, but is anyone an only child? How was your experience? Positive/negative? I'm more upset b/c I wanted to give B a sibling. I thank God every day for her, but I've always wanted a second child. 

Anyone choosing to have only one child? She has lots of cousins, and she is very close to them. I'm more worried about her not having someone as she gets older. IDK, I'm still wrapping my head around this.

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