3rd Trimester

XP: Honoring my mother-in-law...need your input

(Posted this on the Feb board too)

Hey everyone! I haven't posted in a little bit...trying to get everything done before baby girl arrives. I know y'all understand. :)

 So...this past Thursday was the 1 yr. anniversary of my sweet mother-in-law's death. She passed away super unexpectedly and it's still hard to think about the fact that she won't be here when we welcome this little one into the world. She would have been SO excited! Over the past several months, my husband and I have talked about ways to honor her with the birth of our baby girl, Adelyn. We think it's such a blessing that we are having a baby this month..instead of February being just a month to grieve a great loss, we are able to celebrate a new life as well!

 My mother-in-law's name was Susan Diane..we talked about somehow incorporating Susan as Adelyn's middle name early on, but our last name ends with an S, and we didn't want her initials to be A.S.S. :) We since decided on another middle name and don't think we can change it now...we've been calling her by first and middle all this time and it just fits. We're happy with that.

My question is, do you guys have any other ideas or ways to honor a loved one with the birth of a new baby? I mean, we could give Adelyn 2 middle names, I suppose. Is that weird? Any other thoughts/ways we could incorporate the memory of my mother-in-law somehow? It doesn't have to be in a name..maybe something we could add in the nursery? I don't know..I feel like I can't come up with anything good! Would love your input! Thanks, everyone!
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