Indiana Babies

Has anyone read...

Has anyone read "The Baby Care Book" (by Jeremy Friedman)


"Heading Home with Your Newborn: From Birth to Reality" (by Jennifer Shu and Laura Jana)

Throughtout the pregnancy I've been reading "The Baby Bump" (the book that thebump put out, ps it's amazing!), but now we're getting close to baby time and I would like to feel more prepared for bringing baby bear home. I found those 2 books online and they both have good reviews, but thought I'd ask you girls too. If you've read other books that you might suggest feel free to throw those out there too ;) I'm mostly concerned about care (like baths) and feedings (how much is enough, when you transition to more, etc). I know we'll probably go over these things with our pediatrician over time, but being prepared and educated calms me, haha! 

Thanks in advance for any help! 

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