3rd Trimester

normal stretch mark itchiness vs PUPPs?

When I was pg with DS, my stretch marks got red and itchy towards the end of my pregnancy.  The rash actually got worse after delivery and spread all over my stomach, legs, and arms.  While the only person who ever said it looked like PUPPs was one of my post partum nurses (the OB never saw the rash), I really think that I had it.  You can read more about my experience and see pictures of my rash here http://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/32314373.aspx (and it got worse than these pics before it got better). 

Well, now my stretch marks are getting red and itchy again.  This is earlier than it happened last time.  I'm absolutely terrified of getting a widespread rash again.  It was the most miserable thing ever.  I would rather go through labor 100 times than suffer with that rash again.

First, has anyone suffered from red, itchy stretch marks that did not develop into PUPPs?  Please give me hope.

Does anyone know the likelihood of getting PUPPs twice?

I have an appt on Tuesday, so I plan to ask then as well. 


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