2nd Trimester

I don't know if I am just being hormonal but...(just a rant)

My hubs and I just got back from a weekend trip with my parents and my sister for my mom and my birthdays...anyway it was the first time that we had seen any of our family since finding out what we are having (a boy) and naming him Carson Christopher. That was one of the few names that we could actually agree on and that we neither one felt as if we were settling for...but now we are re-thinking things! UGH The reason being is that my dad refuses to call the baby by his name...because my dad "just doesn't care for it yet" and has now come up with calling him "Trip" because of his CCC initials. And then, as if that wasn't bad enough my mom and sis called him "Car" or "CarCar"...which I wore on my last nerves... and kept saying the "name isn't my fave...but it is growing on me"...needless to say my hubby and I are now truly annoyed and are wondering if we should change the name all togther...just feel so annoyed and upset....

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