2nd Trimester

moms of babies close together - two nurseries? or let them share?

For those of you who have started to plan where your baby will sleep after they arrive, and for those of you who are going to be sporting two cribs in your house -

 Are you going to put the babes in the same room to have only one nursery, or are you going to make two nurseries?

Our original plan was to keep our first LO (who will be 17 months when new baby arrives) in his crib until new baby comes, and then get him a toddler bed. Therefore, we would be able to use the crib for the new baby. However, we have decided to buy another crib and turn our third bedroom into a second nursery just in case our first LO has troubles switching from the crib into a toddler bed at such an early age. I am so excited to be decorating a new nursery, especially because this new baby is a girl and it's fun to decorate the opposite way, since we already have a boy.

Obviously, our other option was to put both babies in the same room. I had reservations because I couldn't think of how I would decorate a boy/girl nursery, and I was concerned they would wake each other up. SOOOO we no longer have an office in our house, but we do have two super cute nurseries. =)

Just wondering what you all are planning!

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