2nd Trimester

MIL is acting distant/off

Was with MIL yesterday at a family event for first time since December holidays.  Last time I saw her, DH was a real jerk to me and I left dinner and retreated to another room (overly emotional pregnant woman).  I'm sure he vented to her after because we got in a big fight and I told him to leave me alone for a while and he went to her house for lunch that day - but in the end, he ended up apologizing to me because he knew he was an a$$ to me. 

Anyway, haven't seen her since and I felt like she gave me the cold shoulder yesterday.  Thought it was just me but other relatives mentioned it to me too that she was acting off and distant and not interacting with anyone.  Should I ask DH what he thought or just let it be?  I don't have time to deal with drama right now but I also don't want to have her mad at me.  And he is kind of oblivious to things like that.

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