3rd Trimester

why do some people make parenthood sound so miserable??

I am starting to get really sick of some friends and co workers who make it sound like having a baby is so bad! I already get enough " are you ready for this?" every day. then some of my friends will sit there and say oh u will be so tired, and depressed and baby blues, and baby will drive u crazy blah blah. yes a newborn will not be a walk in the park, really all of being a parent wont be, but  I dont think every moment is going to be bad! there will also be wonderful moments too. my husband and I will be as ready as we ever can be, but no one is truly ready. just stop being so negative, an focus on some positive parts too! I dont want to hear about baby blues all day, I want to be as positive as I can next month when I get closer to delivery! anyone else felt this way?
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