2nd Trimester

24 weeks today! Worrying FTM

I know we're at the point where she'd have a fighting chance if she were to be born today, however this date always seemed a wary one to me. I never really looked forward to it because I feared as soon as it came something would go terribly wrong and she'd actually have to fight for her life so early. I know it doesn't make much sense but I wasn't counting down for this day. I blame hormones! I want my baby girl to stay in there 'til she's much more likely to be ok. Still, 24 weeks is a point to mark and I'm happy to say that my baby girl is doing very well.

I'm starting to realize more and more each day that this child is part of my family already and if something were to happen I would be totally devastated. I tried very hard in the first trimester to keep a level head that something could go wrong. Cautiously excited I guess was my idea, but now that she's so much further along and I can actually feel her move. I feel like if I lost her now it would hurt all the more. I also realized that this worry and concern I feel will never go away as she grows even into adulthood. I suppose this is why my mom is so looney sometimes with my decisions. lol

I'm just feeling really emotional right now. I'm not even sure why because we just had our OB appointment and all was well. Stupid hormones. 

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