3rd Trimester

How on earth are you an OB?

So last night, I had to go to ER for some contractions (at risk of pre-term due to health history) but when I was in ER, the doctor had a feel of baby and said "o yea, that's his back and body here". She wasn't a specialised OB. They sent me up to L&D for monitoring and treatment...the OB that saw me was a little bit.....incompetent.

I had to tell her 4 times that I was 31 nearly 32 weeks pregnant (she kept thinking that I was in my early 20s), she had a feel of my stomach as told me that she "couldn't actually feel any distinctive part of my baby" and that my contractions were probably just RLP even though my stomach went rock hard.

 I could not believe it! I am glad that I will not be delivering at that hospital.

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