3rd Trimester

Need advice

Hi everyone,

I haven't been on this here much this pregnancy( I am 35 weeks with baby #2) but needed advice on an issue.

My SIL, that I am not that close to, sent me a message today asking if I would like to use her frozen breast milk and if I would that she would keep pumping and giving it to me so that my baby could get the antibodies out of the milk. I beleive that how you feed your child is very personal and for a number of reasons I will be formula feeding for this baby as well. I do not feel ashamed to formula feed and don't feel that I should. However my SIL has been rubbing it in my face about how much better breast feeding is since she gave birth to her daughter and I feel this is just another thing to help her feel superior.

My husband thinks I should just say no thanks, but I don't think that is enough. I am truly hurt by her doing this. I feel that she is saying something about my parenting. I am a good mother and don't feel like I am hurting my children by formula feeding. Any ideas of how I should handle this without causing a huge feud? Because honestly right now my husband is having to keep me from making the 2 hour drive to her house to smack her:-)

Sorry this is so long but I appreciate any advice:-)

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