3rd Trimester

PSA: One thing no one told me about hormones AFTER the baby..

Just my experience-- I'm sure other bumpies would attest that they felt perfectly fine, and some would say that they had it worse than me....

I fully expected that I would be tired, etc. after having my DD, but I really wasn't prepared for how emotionally off-kilter I would feel. 

I am a pretty level-head, even during pregnancy, but after my daughter was born I felt so.. .just... crazy.  I bawled my eyes out when they took her to get anything done-- the heel prick test in particular nearly had me on the floor.   For weeks afterward, I would cry at the drop of  a hat. I'm not usually that way at all.  Someone would say something remotely offensive, and I wanted to throttle them.  I was VERY sensitive to anyone giving me parenting advice, because I guess I was a little insecure anyway.  I was just.... well, not myself.  It literally took months for me to feel like the old Krista again.   I didn't feel depressed, per say, I just felt on edge.

I'm sure lack of sleep and adjusting to being a new mom had a lot to do with it, but hormones DEFINITELY did too.  It was beyond sleep-deprivation.

So, all that to say,  speak to your husbands/SO's, and explain to them about the hormone crash after giving birth.  Of course it's not an excuse to be a total B*, but it might help him to be a bit more understanding if you're not acting like the woman he fell in love with..lol

Also, don't be hard on yourself. You can't control your hormones.  But, if you feel like it's more than just normal hormone regulation, SPEAK to your doctor and DON'T feel ashamed.  Post partum depression can only be helped if you're willing to ask for it.  Getting help is not just for you-- it's for your baby and your SO as well.

Anyway, I hope this didn't sound preachy... I just wish that someone would've told me how crazy I would feel after my DD was born.  It's also an AMAZING time too. DD has my heart in her little hand.


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