3rd Trimester

contractions vs poop pains

so i am a ftm and all i have heard is how much contractions feel like menstural cramps. well, for me menstural cramps and poop pains were a very similar feeling and i have been having a whole lot of that lately. (since yesterday afternoon) does this sound like contractions? if not, can anyone better explain what a contraction feels like? thanks ladies! :-)
TTC since 4/2010 Clomid 3/2011 & 4/2011 BFP 5/2011 Natural MC 5/20/11 BFP 7/3/11 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BFP 11/9/2012 dx Partial Molar Pregnancy - D&C 12/11/12 HCG 12/10/2012 -96000 HCG 12/19/2012 -888 HCG 12/27/2012 -146 HCG 1/2/2013 -275 HCG 1/9/2013 -788 Dx with gestational trophoblastic disease 1/3/13 Meet with Oncologist for 1/11/2013 Second D&C 1/16 HCG 1/23/2013 - 88 HCG 1/30/2013 - 0 miracle!!!!!
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