Upstate NY Babies

Travel and car seats

This move out west is so complicated it's crazy. DH and his dad will be taking our stuff and cars and driving them to CO. My MIL is borrowing a car seat for Rosie, I'm bringing T's infant car seat and we'll be at their house for a few days. Then my brother will pick us up and drive us to NYC where we'll stay with my parents for a few more days, and then we're flying out of NYC with my mom. This way DH has enough time to drive there and unpack before we get there. And we'll take a short direct flight instead of flights with 2 layovers that are 8+ hours of travel time.

But I have a problem now. Rosie needs a car seat for the trip from Syracuse to NYC and from my parent's apartment to the airport. I am not bringing her convertible seat because it's heavy and I'll already have a baby, an infant car seat, an umbrella stroller and a large suitcase. So I'm going to get a Cosco Scenera because it's cheap and light. But what do I do with it when I get to the airport? I don't want it on the flight- can I just leave it with a ticket agent? What would you do? 

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