Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Not pooping during the night... (Repost Nov '11)

DS is still getting up every 3 or so hours to nurse during the night. Closer to wake up time he might even get up closer to 2 hours between feedings. But these last few days he has not been pooping during the night and now after him 4:30-5ish feeding he is so restless.He usually will fall back to sleep then fuss, grunt and squirm half asleep until eventually I get up with him. Sometimes I let him try to work it out on his own... but I can tell when it's too much for him and then I get up with him. When we get up we walk around the house with me holding him with his legs crossed up hoping to get those poops moving and give DS some relief. Then as soon as he gets that poop out- he's sound asleep instantly after the diaper change. I'm just wondering if there is anything else that I can do to help him to get that poop out so he sleeps better.  It's only during the night for these last few days... during the day he has no problems pooping- just makes 'em happen.  I know this post might seem jumbled but I hope someone might have some advice. Any other moms experience something like this? It it normal for EBF babies around (almost) 3 months to start spacing out poops? 
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