Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Sleep deprivation-About to lose it

Some nights LO will not go to sleep despite being fed, changed, etc. Last night was one of those nights. At one point, I just said OMG! My husband came in from the other bedroom where he had been sleeping. The baby is crying. I am crying. He picks her up and tries to soothe her. She burps and that helps. He talks to her and she calms down. I am still in tears ready to just sleep. He essentially looks at me and says hatefully "You are so focused on yourself. Can't you see that?! What is wrong with you??" Well I LOST it. I SCREAMED at him. "I'm sick, exhausted, and I am functioning on a month with little sleep!" He jerks all the baby's stuff off the bed and takes her to the other bedroom claiming I disgust him and that I am an unfit mother. I know I shouldn't have yelled at him but I get SO sick of him telling me I am selfish when I get frustrated and telling me how he's been so much more tired before since he has been required to be awake for days at a time in the military. I almost want to commit myself just to get away from him. I can't get him to see how hard this adjustment is on no sleep. I am fine during the day but at night when I am most tired is when I get most emotional. I do try to sleep when LO sleeps but somedays I just can't....
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