Babies: 0 - 3 Months


so my husband and i have decided that i'm going to stay home for the first year this is my first baby so i kinda don't know what to do. every one says sleep while they sleep but during the day while i'm naturally awake and he's sleeping what to do? i live in a one bedroom up stars so while there isn't much to always clean things like laundry that is down stars is hard b/c i don't want to leave baby alone. go out to the park and walk well i cant drive right now and the walk to the park is a decent ways away so thats that and a walk around the block.... i live on a main street and kind of paranoid with walking my 3 week old baby where there is so much traffic. so any one have any ideas im all ears what did you do when you were a stay at home mom with limited activities?
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