Single Parents

Debating on if I should "be nice" about this. Opinions?

So my STBXH has a huge drinking problem (which caused the horrible abuse and eventual demise of our marriage). He will be released from jail March 3rd and his visitations with our son will begin.

Due to his criminal case and my current OFP he will be required to take two alcohol tests and UAs a week, both of which he has to pay for. One of course he is required to take before his visit with DS (ordered in OFP).

X's friend called me and asked me to have my OFP changed so that I do not require an alcohol test before his visits with DS since he will have to pay for it. The other test he has to take every week supposedly tests for alcohol use within the past 10 days. If he fails that he will immediately be put back in jail for violation. X's friend said that it will be really hard for X to do two tests a week and be spendy and he should still be allowed to see his son.

Now X's friends and family have been treating me like absolute crap and X is even lying to people saying I made everything up. That doesn't necessarily make me want to be nice about all of this and do him "a favor". Yet I still want my son to eventually have a healthy relationship with his father.

What say you? 


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