Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Just bragging a little

9 weeks PP and I am officially back in my pre-preggo cloths and have lost an additional 3 lbs. I feel great. I am so happy because I was one of the few 10% of women who have morning sickness for the whole 9 months (I throw up everyday from week 5 until the morning I delivered my son). And I got the pleasure of being in the 3-4% of women who carries the baby breech during the entire pregnancy (which means his beautiful big head was in my chest putting tons of pressure on my lungs and heart) and therefore I had to have a c-section. After my c-section, I honestly thought my body would never be the same. But finally, after having such a hard pregnancy, I got a wonderful, precious, sweet, happy, loving baby boy and my body back. All worth it!  
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