Upstate NY Babies

Who's had mastitis or other pp infections? *UPDATE*

So my VBAC was last Monday and I've been taking the ibuprofen pretty consistently since then. I missed a dose on Sat and had the chills-had a temp of 100.5. Took the ibuprofen and felt fine. Missed another dose last night and had the chills again-temp was 100.2. I called my OB this morning and she wants me to d/c the ibuprofen to see what my fever does-and if it persists, she wants to see me this afternoon or tomorrow morning. She thinks it might be a low lying mastitis that hasnt reared its head yet. But I have no other symptoms of it-my nipples are a little sore, but nothing out of the ordinary-no clogged ducts, pain, streaking, etc. Has anyone had anything like this before?

 UPDATE: So my temp stayed normal unti 3pm then it spiked up to 101. I called the doc and they want to see me tomorrow morning. I'm guessing they'll treat me for mastitis-I assume the med is safe to take while BFing? Does it affect your supply or the baby or anything? 

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