Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Feeding woes

 I wanted to breast feed, and it just did not work out so I switched DD over to formula a week after she was born on the 10th at birth she was 6.7 and at her 2 week check up she was 8.1. She is a very happy baby, she sleeps all day except for when she wakes to eat, and when she has a wake cycle. When she does have her wake cycle it's usually at 5p-11p and she is just wide awake quiet and alert. But recently she's been very cranky and fussy and just won't go down (to sleep). Her formula intake is becoming insane! Gradually she just wants more and more and more, I'm up to 6oz every 3-4 hours and that's about 45-50 ounces a day, when really she shouldn't have more than 20-25. (from research) Her doctor however said give her what she wants when she wants it. Sorry but I can't just keep uping her ounces every feeding time because she wants it, I'd be feeding her a can a day in that case. Plus I feel like if I feed her 6oz every 3-4 hours I'm just feeding her so she will sleep, but whenever she is awake she is always sucking on her hands, on whoever is holding her, smacking her lips, so I assume she's awake she must be hungry. It just doesn't feel right that she just eats until she's sleeping but it seems (from her cues that's what she wants).

She's on similac sensitive and it's been great for her, last week I tried to switch her to Enfamil gentle ease (as WIC covers Enfamil) and the switch was not good..she would take an oz- an ounce and a half) and pass out, then an hour later spit up like crazy. My mom thought we should just switch back to Similac because gentle ease was not working for her, so we did.

 I've been doing some product research on Enfamil A.R, and I think it's just what I need but I have my concerns. I'm looking into A.R because I will have to switch to Enfamil, and the gentle ease causes spit up problems..but I'm weary about the added rice carbohydrates. I worry about DD's formula intake because I don't want her gaining too much weight, and if A.R fills her faster that seems to be good on the surface..but really is it any different? Sure she has less oz intake per feed but she's getting more carbs from the added rice. I'm also concerned about switching her formula again but I can't go on feeding her like's nuts I just need something thats more filling, and not cereal  

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