Upstate NY Babies

Amber teething necklaces

Has anybody tried these?  They were suggested to me by my DCP when I told her that we think Audrey is teething and last night was pretty rough.  Aren't they sort of a choking hazard?  I'm going to do my own research but I have to hit you ladies up b/c you always have good advice!

Oh and something teething related that doesn't deserve it's own post: We knew that Stella was working on her 2 year molars.  What we didn't realize is that 3 of them are already in!  I finally got a good look in her mouth while we were at Wegmans Saturday night and sure enough 2 are fully through and 1 more is about halfway!  She has always been such a good teether I had no idea they were already in!  Oops.

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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