Single Parents

XH not showing up for visitation

I'm not even a week divorced and, unfortunately already having this problem. Out of the 3 days XH was supposed to see DD last week, he missed 2. A few days ago, he was supposed to pick up DD from daycare and bailed at the last minute, leaving me scrambling to find a back up plan. Then two days later, he doesn't show up at all and ignores my text mags asking where he is, if he's coming, etc. While I understand I cannot "make" XH be a good parent, is there anything I can do to require a sense of decency? Am I really screwed and at his beck and call for the next 20 years? Is this seriously the reality of having a d!ck XH? I'm not a naive person, but I can't wrap my head around the fact that he can continue to manipulate and control me in this way.
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