Upstate NY Babies

Tell me about croup

My 4.5 year old has been sick the entire past week.  Last Sun-Wed it was 'just a cold' and by Wednesday night she was feverish and crying about her ear (ear infection).  She basically spent Thurs-Fri-Sat in bed and she's finally getting better.

Now my 2 year old is congested and has a cough for 2 days.  It is starting to sound a little like a bark to me, but maybe because I am so worried it is croup.  She actually slept great last night with only maybe 1/2 dozen coughs throughout the night.

Is there anything I need to know?  I'm hoping this doesn't turn into her being completely miserable.  I'm so mad that my older DD got us all sick - I guess it was inevitable - but handing her little sister a dirty tissue to throw away just takes the cake - 

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