Upstate NY Babies

Housework/Cleaning Poll

DH and I still seem to struggle with keeping up with everything around the house. I was always good with fighting through exhaustion and pulling all nighters. I was an art/design major in college and had to go with 2,3, and 0 hours of sleep all the time but now it seems like I just can't do it and I feel like such a failure! So I thought it'd be good to see how and what everyone else does. 


1. Who does what around the house? Do you split things? If so what?

2. Do you have a schedule where you clean certain rooms or chores on certain days each week?  

3. When do you do them? At night after LO's are asleep? During naptime?

4. Do both of you work? One of you work?

5. What time do you try and get to bed each night? 

6. Do you take a nap during the day? 

7. Do you have any help? Mom, MIL, friend, cleaning person? If so how often?



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