Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Feeding schedule -- HELP

We have been struggling with DS's reflux for several weeks now. The reflux is definately worse at night and we've tried rice in his bottle, elevating the bed, sitting him up to eat, having him sleep in a RNP and nothing seemed to help. Last night we had to go to a pediatric express care because DS started wheezing while he was having reflux at night. The dr prescribed Zantac and also said to alter his feeding schedule. DS is primarily BF but with a bottle. He has been wanting to cluster feed in the mornings and evenings recently and would eat 4 ounces every 4 hours and 2 ounces in between. He would drink 4 ounces before bed. The doctor said that I should do 3 ounces every 2 hours instead because DS might be overfilling himself. DS rarely throws up a large amount during or right after feedings and will refuse the bottle when he is done eating. So we tried adjusting the feedings last night and although the reflux might have improved a little DS didnt sleep as well. He usually only gets up at 3:30 and 6:30 am to feed but last night he got up at 130, 330, and 630. I thought about switching the feeding right before bed to formula since formula seems to be a little heavier and maybe it would help him sleep longer. I am just so frusterated with the situation. I feel like we make progress in one area ango backwards in another!
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