3rd Trimester

Ugh... Feeling ugly! Vent!

I am on the verge of tears... I feel so gross and ugly and fat! :( I've probably gained too much weight (even though my doctor has not mentioned it) but on top of that I am SO SWOLLEN! My hands and feet and FACE!! It's my face thats bothering me the most.. I feel so ugly and fat! I decided I don't even want to take maternity pictures because of how I feel.. I'm still taking my every other week belly pictures but that's why I am about to cry because I'm taking one soon and just feel blahhhh...and I look worse when I smile cuz my cheeks look so big!! Of course hubby and everyone keep telling me I look fine/pretty/whatever but it's not like they're just going to say "ya you look disgusting!" ugh okay I'm sorry I just needed to vent! I am grateful for this pregnancy and baby but having a hard time with the effects on my body... Anyone else feeling this way? Suggestions? Thanks for letting me vent.
<3 Delaney. 4.5.12. <3 <br> Photobucket
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