Single Parents

Pregnant at 40 and not wanting to move

So here is my dilema.  I've been friends with my boyfriend forever, however we only started dating a little over a year ago.  Of course, the honeymoon period is wonderful, however you get to really know someone as time moves on.  We've had our ups and downs and split up a time or 2.  He lives 2 hours away and is always at my house on the weekends.  We both wanted to have children, and I said when we first started dating, if it would ever happen, I'd move with him 2 hours away... Well, then all the fights, etc came up, but I never stopped loving him... He has some issues to me, controlling somewhat, anger issues, but I tend to be blind... I found out in December I was pregnant, and we've went back & forth about me moving... He wants to start looking for a house where he lives, 2 hours away, he has a really good job recently promoted.  Me, I've lived in my town forever, lived in the house I bought (still paying mortgage) for 16 years, I have a good job I've been at and like for 18 years, my parents live very close and are getting older so I want to be close as the only other family member is my sister that also lives in the area.  So boyfriend & I get into this huge blowout because I tell him I really don't want to move away from my family, friends, good job, home, etc.  So now I'm a lying f'n fewothernastywords person, and he's telling his family about how I'm ruining his life because I lied and wont move and he wants nothing to do with me.  And after the baby is born if I even try to come after him for money he will get an attorney and sue me till I can't afford my house and want custody.  He refuses to even attempt to look for a job here (where by the way all his family is from and he was originally from).  He said there will be no job ever with what he does because this city is horrible (he's in the airline)... Soooo, now I'm a no good lying (insert every bad name you can think of), and he wants nothin to ever do with me and 'my' baby (he's refusing to even say it's his).  How can someone be so mean when things were very good with us when it was good? I know I'm being somewhat stubborn because of 40 years set in my ways and where I've lived all my life, but should I really move and hate being away from my family/friends/work and have him support me and me always have to ask him for $$$ just to be able to drive 2 hours to visit my family?  I'm scared and not sure what to do...
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