3rd Trimester

Induction or c-section?? (Also on Jan 2012 board)

My due date was yesterday and everything looked normal, but my OB sent me in for an US and NST just to see how baby was doing. Good news: baby looked healthy and strong. Bad news: baby is so healthy and strong that she eats all my food and they estimated 9.5 lbs!!OB gave me two options: 1) induction on Monday, 2) c-section on Monday (and he was pushing the section). I really, really wanted a natural childbirth so this news was devastating. Me and baby were both healthy during pregnancy so I did not prepare myself for this. I know size estimates can be off and (having a larger frame) I could probably push this baby out fine, but spontaneous is pretty much off the table unless it happens within 48 hours (and I'm barely 1 cm dilated and hardly effaced). OB indicated that after Monday, LO would be about estimated at 10 lbs and they wouldn't even give me an option to do an induction or get her out naturally - I would have to have a c-section. So, since the childbirth I really want is off the table, I now need to decide induction or c-section on Monday?If I do the induction, there are still concerns about the baby's size leading to complications (if she is as big as they estimate), we'll get lots of interventions that I don't want, and OB will probably be pushing a c-section for any little thing anyway because he's nervous. Should I put me and baby through all that to avoid a c-section? The section has its own risks with respiratory problems for baby and complications with future pregnancies, but is it better to just go for the section rested and ready instead of being forced into it during an induction? I'm leaning toward the c-section given the options, but am I being to hasty? Thanks =)
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