Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Super emotional. I need advice.

I'm dealing with day care issues.

 I breast feed at 7:00am at the day care providers house and then leave my son with her. The 'plan' is to feed him his 4oz bottle of breast milk sometime around 9:00 and then I am back by 11:30 to breastfeed again. I did this routine for 3 weeks before leaving him with her. I also do this schedule every weekend. And it works fine. Some days he is fussier than others and that may change when I give him the bottle but most days it works.

She has had him for 2 weeks now and almost every day she has said that he needed more than 4 oz (like 5 or 6) or she fed him 2oz at a time and he took little cat naps instead of one good nap like he usually does with me.

My two problems:

She gives me the possible 'excuses' for why he may need more milk today, before I've even left him. She says "oh he slept longer last night? He might be extra hungry today" or  "oh, he was gassy last night? He might be extra hungry today." I feel like she is setting me up for the fact that she's gonna feed him more.

She says, he cried for 30 mins after you left and nothing was helping so I gave him 2 oz. I get that sometimes that may be needed but with me, I would just keep trying things to console him. I have never needed to feed him within an hour of a feeding.  Is it wrong to expect her to "let him cry" longer as long as she is actively trying to console him. 

My main issues is that I am only pumping during the middle of the night feeding because that is the only time that I can put him down to sleep right after a feeding so I have a chance to pump.  When I pump, there are a good amount of days where I am barely getting the 4 ounces. I have a freezer stash but it's only a few weeks ahead. I am getting worried that if this keeps up we will be low on milk.

Also, now that she has introduced "snacking" to him, he has started to change the way he breastfeeds the rest of the day. Sometimes not even going to the other breast or just eating for less time overall. I am worried that my supply will drop.

Thanks in advance for any input. 

**Meagan** Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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