3rd Trimester

RTF Formula

We were going to stock up on the little bottles (the 2 oz ones) for DS, just incase we have a BF issue (as DS#1 couldn't latch and I had to supplement)

Anyways I can't find them A N Y W H E R E! I'm going crazy... I dunno if it's just tally but no one has em. I ask and everyone say "oh we must just be out" How can Toys r us, walmart, target etc etc all be out at once? Did some crazy person go around and buy it all?

I use powder for DS#1 still but he's using the Similac grow and go stuff now so I can't give that to the newborn. Plus those little bottles are AMAZING  for nighttime feedings and until they are eating enough where you make decent sized bottles.

Anyways anyone else having troubles finding them? Or am I just going crazy?

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By lilenatalem at 2012-01-28 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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