3rd Trimester

More frequent BH........a sign??????

So last friday I kept having braxton hicks contractions throughout the entire night. Went to my doctors appointment that following Monday and found out that I was dilated to 1. As I figured. 

Yesterday I had mild ones throughout the day. Nothing serious. Just cramps and tension in my lower back. They ended up stopping like expected. 

Then halfway through lastnight I started having the same type of BH contractions, intensity in my back and cramping, and kept having them up until I woke up (even though I had little sleep) around 10:30 - 11:00 am. Unlike last time, they didn't entirely stop. I was so miserable today, even in a what would have been comfortable sitting position. 

I just about expect that I will be dilated a little more. I go back to see my doctor on Monday. 

I'm just wondering if, they continue and I am just as uncomfortable. To where I can't get comfy, should I call my doctor or his NP and see if it's of any concern? At this point I know it's a waiting game. I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow. So every friday completes one week. So I could go at any day. Hopefully not until after next week to be safe. I wouldn't want little mans lungs to not be completely developed among other things. But yea.....

Sry it's so long. I'm just starting to get more and more uncomfortable. Though this is my 2nd pregnancy there's been so many different things.

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