Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Stupid Vent

I know I'm being ridiculous, but I'm just so irritated.  DS just got through the dreaded 8 week fussy phase at 7 weeks last week.  There were a couple days when DH got home that I was a mess because our usuall amazingly good natured baby had done nothing but fuss and cry most of the day. 

So today I was about to put DS down for his morning nap but noticed that it was 10:30 so my husband should have been home from work any minute.  He's always saying he wants to spend more time with DS, so I decided to postpone the nap so DH could hold and spend a little time with DS.  30 min go by and I call DH to find out if he got caught up at work or where he was.  He said he was on his way home and would be there in a couple minutes like nothing was unusual.  15 more minutes go by and I call again and he says again that he'll be home in a couple of minutes.  I pressed him and it turns out he ran to another town after work to pick up his computer.  He knew the computer had been repaired yesterday and never mentioned picking it up today at all.  If I was ever going to run an errand after work I would always mention it in the morning or send a text if it was a last minute decision before LO was in the picture.  He never did, which annoyed me, but wasn't such a big deal when it was just the 2 of us. 

I know it's not his fault that I delayed LO's nap, but isn't it rude, especially after how rough last week was on me, to not even check if I was having rough time?  Because of the nap delay, DS has not taken a good nap all day. He'll sleep for 20 min and wake up over and over.  Also, the mobile on the swing went out yesterday and I mentioned that I wanted to pick up a new swing becuase, when DS gets overly tired, it is sometimes the only thing that soothes him.  Don't you think maybe he should have taken the time to pick up the swing, which is actually on the way home and picked up the computer some other day?!  I mean we have 2 other desktops and a netbook!!  Was it that crucial that he have the laptop suddenly today?!! 

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