Babies: 0 - 3 Months

XP: Random day of Baby Blues....?

I don't know what is wrong with me today.... I can't stop crying!

Really nothing is *wrong*.... LO is a dream of a newborn: sleeps great, no feeding issues, only cries when he is hungry... And I have been FINE these past 5 weeks, but today I just can't stop crying and missing my *old* life.... I feel like I am getting old, and I am sad my young carefree days are over, and things will never be simple again. I feel so bad because I ADORE my son, and hate myself for feeling so down for no good reason. I think he can even tell I am sad today...

Maybe its because my mom came down to visit for a few days & left yesterday, or maybe this is the first sign of PMS returning, but what if its something else like PPD? 

Anyone else get the blues.... out of the blue...?  

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