Babies: 0 - 3 Months

MIL will not listen - driving me NUTS

I LOVE my MIL, i really do.  We've always gotten along very well and since my mother is no longer with us she has been great to have around.  I work 9--5 and my husband works afternoons for one job and midnights for another.  Some days he works both jobs so on those days baby girl goes to my MIL's until i get off of work.  I will drop her off and say "she's ready for a nap" because DD likes to take a nap an hour after she wakes up.  Somehow that translates into, give her a nap in 90 minutes.  I try to give DD a nap every 2hrs....and we tell her that.  So why is she keeping her up for 3 hours?  I picked up my DD today at 530 and had to put her to bed at 645.  WTF???  I get it, it takes a little bit of work to get her down for a nap, but the longer she waits, the harder it is to get her to take a nap.  This woman has raised 4 kids and has 5 older grandchildren, most of which she has watched, so how in God's sweet name does she NOT know to put baby to sleep at first sight of tired.  SO DAMN ANNOYED!
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