Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Let's talk about the dreaded COLIC

I'm highly suspicious that DS has colic. Just started him on Nutramigen today. But I'm wondering what everyone else did for their LO with colic? What worked, what didn't work, any medications, what type of formula? Also, when did the colic emerge and when did it go away? DS is fussy after feedings during the daytime. Then evening comes and it gets increasingly worse along with crying. Nothing seems to soothe him. When he finally does go to sleep, he wakes up within 10mins and cries some more, and then repeats this cycle multiple times until he eats again or falls asleep for the night. He doesn't go to sleep for the night until at least 10pm-and it takes at least 2hrs to get him to go to sleep. I'm losing my sanity! It's hard enough to listen to a crying baby, and it's even harder when it's your own child and you can't soothe them. It breaks my heart. DH is gone from 8am-9:30pm four days a week so those evenings are especially hard since I have a toddler as well. DH helps as much as he can when he's home though, but I'm feeling so stressed and emotionally drained that I just want to spend time away from DS. And I sound like and feel like a bad mother just for thinking that way! I'm praying that we find a solution to help decrease his colic. Thanks for reading this far, just needed to vent a bit and could use some words of encouragement.
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