3rd Trimester

Used pump - just wondering

So I've read this probably a million times on here by now how you should not buy/borrow other people's used breastpumps - unless they are the hospital grade ones - bc they are an open system, milk can get into the motor, contaminate your pumped milk etc etc etc... That is all good and reasonable sounding but:

How is that different from your own milk getting into the motor and later contaminating newly pumped milk?? That's just as gross and dangerous as other people's germs contaminating your milk... I mean - it's not like your milk inside the motor stays fresh and safe forever and would have no effect on new pumpings... Any of you that ever had cow's milk go bad in a carton in a fridge know how fast that can happen... Doesn't take years... and a pump is not kept in a fridge mind you...

Just saying... Doesn't that sound logical? If something gets in there, who cares if it's yours or not. If it goes bad inside and potentially touches your new pumpings, that's contamination...  Is contamination REALLY such a real possibility? Why is nobody warning about our own milk causing contamination?... Or are people freaking out over used pumps a little too much? I mean, our own pumps will be used for months... see my cow's milk comment...

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