Babies: 0 - 3 Months

transitioning to crib

Our son is 7 weeks old, this week he just started sleeping for 4-5 hr stretches and has dropped one of his middle of the night feedings, I am going back to work full time in 2 weeks, we would like to transition him from the RnP to his crib, he was sleeping in a bassinet in our room this was one that attaches to the PnP, we tried to get him to sleep in the PnP but he will not lay in it more than a minute without crying.  He does lay in his crib, I put him in there often during the day for a few minutes at a time and he will take a 30 min to 1 hr nap in the crib several times a day.  But he won't sleep in it at night, he wakes up within 5-10 minutes after we lay him down.  Any suggestions for a smooth transition.  He does not like being swaddled.  Any help would be appreciated.  TIA!

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