3rd Trimester

Dr Appointment :S

Baby's head is still high up in my pelvis.  The doctor didn't even bother to do the internal exam that he said he might do, because there didn't seem to be any reason to...

The doctor also asked if I wanted to be induced as early as week early, and I said no...maybe 10 days, but not one week...so I have another appointment in a week to see where we're at.  Inducing at a week for no medical reason just seemed a bit soon for me...of course I am paranoid because I had a coworker whose unborn baby died when she was still pregnant one week late...but I don't want to make decision based on worry.  And yet of course I am second-guessing my decision!

I know that generally, not showing signs of labour doesn't mean anything...but is it a bad sign that baby's head is still high at this stage in the game?  I am terrified of inductions, going too far overdue...yup, I'm a worst-case-scenerio thinker!
TTC #1 for one year with annovulation....
Clomid Cycle #1: 50mg = BFP
=Beautiful baby girl born May 23, 2009
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
TTC#2: BFP Cycle #1, no fertility meds!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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