3rd Trimester

So Frustrated Right Now (vent)

Well, Monday night I was actually having them 2-4 minutes apart.  Went to L&D and everything.  Was supposedly real labor (they got more intense as time went by) but unfortunately they weren't doing much for my cervix which is 1 cm, high, and very soft because she isn't engaged.  So they sent me home.  Since then, I've have contractions all day, a little more stretched and and less intense (most of the time.  Some have been quite painful but nothing to get excited about).  And to top everything off, I have a nice cold going and I can barely breath.  And no one will leave me ALONE today.   I just feel like I got a false start and nothing going to happen anytime soon and I'm frustrated.  I know my due date is still several days away, but its just makes me so upset to have something get started and then be like "Nope". I feel a little better now, getting it out there... No need to reply, nothing anyone can really do for me at this point anyway, just gotta wait it out.
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