Babies: 0 - 3 Months

hypothyroid question

Hi! I'm in my third trimester and was wondering about how my thyroid meds will change after baby comes and thought I'd ask the experts:)

DD is 21 months and I was diagnosed with hashimoto's when she was 5 months. Basically my milk dried up completely, I gained 15 pounds and couldn't function because I was so tired. The meds totally got me back to normal! DD #2 is due March 21 and I've gone from 125 to 188 for a dose.

My questions:

1. If you had thyroid disease pre-pg, how did it change after LO was born? Do they monitor you pretty closely? Do your levels change quickly?

2. Most importantly, are you able to breastfeed?

Thank you and congrats on your new babies!

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