Babies: 0 - 3 Months

LO is VERY noisy while sleeping

When LO is sleeping, unless he is in a deep sleep, he is almost constantly making noise, and it is really loud noise too. He will make these noises like he is straining to take a poop and will grunt and sometimes he will cry a little with them too. At first I thought it was gas and that he was trying to pass gas but my mom thinks that it is just noise he makes in his sleep since he only seems to be doing it when he is in a lighter sleep and he will do it in conjunction with trying to stretch. He does it both at night and during naps. The problem is that it is so loud that I can't sleep while it is going on. Last night I was in tears trying to massage his belly and doing pedal pushes because i thought it was gas. That was when my mom said she thought otherwise. I slept the rest of the night with one ear plug in so that the sound was muffled but if he needed me I could still hear him.

Does anyone else have a LO that makes a ton of noise while sleeping? What do you do? Do they eventually outgrow this? We have made it to where he only needs one feeding a night but I am still being kept up all night with this noise. Advice would be appreciated!

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