3rd Trimester

William Pierre (Billy's) Birth Story

Good morning ladies! I am so happy and excited to report, my son William Pierre is born on Friday, January 20, 2012 @ 7:58am! Weighing in at 8lbs, 4oz, and 20.5in.

If you read previous posts from me last week, I went into the hospital on Wednesday for low fetal movement. After the appointment, I swore I experienced my bloody show, but wasn't sure because it could have just been exam bleeding. They sent me home that day, but the following afternoon at 12pm, I got a phone call from the Dr asking me to come back in for more observation. Of course, it scared the crap out of me, but she was calm and said they just wanted to make sure that his HR was okay again because of the low fetal movement. (I am also the one that had a fall on my stomach the previous Thursday.)

So at 12pm on Thursday, I headed in for what I thought was just an observation and never left. At 3pm, his HR was showing "dips" or "carrots" for 1-2 seconds here and there and they were not comfortale with what they saw at all. They didn't know if it could be associated with the fall or what...but they wanted to be safe. The specialist, midwife, and Dr all voted induction and I started the induction process at 5pm. I was already 3.5cm, 85% effaced and engagement was 0, so I was an excellent candidate for induction and ended up I was already having bloody show and they figured I would be going into labor within 48 hours anyway. And again, we wanted to be safe. At 7pm they broke my water and the contractions came in fast and hard within 30 seconds. I got my epi about 30mins later (just in time before insanity...hahaha) and was at 5cm, 100% by 12am. At 2am, I was 10cm, 100%, but baby was not dropping from the 0, so they wanted me to "birth it out" before pushing. I was still doing this at 5am and he was failing to descend. My nurse was amazing trying oodles of crazy positions to get him to drop, but he wasn't budging. Finally she decided we should try pushing and see if he would drop then. I pushed for 2 hours, again in crazy squatting positions on my bed (she was very adventurous and I was wiling to do anything), and at 5:30am he still had not dropped at all and was facing to the side, which made for some serious back labor that the epi wasn't touching at all!

Finally at 6am, we turned off the pit and my DH had to decide if we would keep pushing (which Dr only thought I had a 5% change of birthing vaginally at this point) or go in for an immediate c-section. We asked questions with the midwife, Dr and specialist. All voted c-section. (And my hospital group only does 12% c-sections and totally push all vaginal births. I was the only c-section in 3 days!). With much consideration (and I was tired, exhausted, feeling defeated), he voted c-section and out little man was born at 7:58am!

Overall, it's sad to think I did all the hard work of labor and still had a c-section, but now I don't care because I have my little love bug next to me. The induction was completely successful and worked perfectly, but sadly, my son was labeled failure to descend. When he was born, everyone knew right now why: 1) my pelvic never widened, 2) his head was HUGE (the exact same size of his chest), and 3) he tried to get down, but just didnt fit (evidenced by his insane cone head, shoulder and neck bruising.)


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