Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How much does your FF baby eat?

My 4 week old eats 3 ounces every 2-3 hours. During the day, it's often every 2 hours. At night she eats at 4 hours, 2 hours and then 3 hours again. Sometimes she'll eat 4 ounces, usually at night. This seems like a lot for a young baby! She probably weighs about 8 lbs now. She doesn't spit up, though, and she will push away the nipple if she's full. We only just started formula. Am I overfeeding her? She definitely eats more than either the pedi or the formula box indicates but I can't just not feed her when it's clear that's what she needs. We always check to make sure she's dry, comfortable, etc. before feeding. How does she compare to other LOs out there?
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