Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Just how bad is tummy sleeping?

Hi Everyone,

LO is 8 weeks old. He absolutely hates sleeping on his back and side. He will sleep 40-60 minutes at a time on his back or side. On his stomach, he sleeps through the night completely. The other night he slept 10 hours. We went for his 2 month checkup today and I told he Doctor (because I know they are supposed to be on their back until they can roll over to their tummy..which LO cannot do). She said she cannot in good conscience say he is safe on his stomach. Does anyone's Doctor say differently? He has really been on his stomach in the pack n play for about 1-2 weeks now, and before that he was sleeping on my chest a-lot (also on his stomach), or in the yellow fisher price rock n play sleeper (but only for 40-60 minutes at a time).

He has good head control, and can move his head from side to side while on his stomach. It's so hard to think I have to put him on his back now, when he sleeps through the night completely on his stomach!

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