Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Night #1 of Routine: FAIL

Goal: Trying to get LO to go to sleep at bedtime with out a fight.

8:45pm - he wakes up on his own from nap in pnp downstairs
9:00pm - bath
9:15pm - BF total of 50 minutes in his room upstairs - lighting is low, music is soft
10:15pm - burp, tummy time, change dipe
10:30pm - swaddle and rock - turned music off and white noise (ocean sounds) on, also turned off light so just had nightlight and twilight turtle
10:45pm - laid him down in pnp in our bedroom where he's been sleeping - within 2 minutes he's crying.  Pick him up, hold/soothe, put back down.  More crying.  Doesn't want pacifier.  Rub tummy, get back in bed.  Two minutes later he's crying again. 

UGH - what am I doing wrong?  Does he just hate the pnp?  Had same issue after his 1am feeding.  After his 6am feeding, I didn't feel like fighting him so just got up and he falls asleep in my arms in less than 10 minutes.  Go figure.   

Any sleep book recommendations...The No-Cry Sleep Solution perhaps?

Will try again tonight...can't get any worse :)

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