Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Did Membrane Stripping work for you?

I had it done once with my first child just before 40 weeks but I just had some cramping. Didn't seem like it did anything though. I had the baby a week later.

I was offered to start membrane stripping at 38 weeks this time and I was supposed to get it done today but we have had a lot of snow the past few days so they don't want to start membrane stripping in case it does start labor and it be unsafe to drive to the hospital (which I totally understand).

My question is, did getting your membranes stripped actually work for you? And if so, how long did it take to work?

I quickly packed my bag on Tuesday in case it did work right away and have been cleaning my house like crazy just in case. Am I crazy for thinking this could work? 

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