Babies: 0 - 3 Months

No predictability

My LO is 7 weeks tomorrow and although she is a good sleeper during the day and on she is really out at night, I am having the issue of getting her to sleep and stay asleep in the same spot every night. 

Basically, LO started out in a cradle in out room, but the cradle kept tipping to the side cause it rocked. So then we we're having her sleep in our room in here swing, but she wasn't sleeping for very long in that. Then we borrowed a RNP which she really likes. She sleeps in that for a few hours once she is fully asleep when we put her in it. The problem is, her awake time is midnight until like 3:30am. I do evuthing from walking her around to rocking her etc. she usually will fall asleep at 3:30am in my arms in the rocking recliner, the problem is, so do I. :( I try to then transition her to her back in the RNP, but she tends to wake up. She also likes sleeping other stomach sometimes for naps....I end up sleeping 2 or 3 different places with her every night. ( my husband works, so I take care of her by myself through the night. ). I want to figure out! How do I get her into more of a routine? :(

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