Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Difference between Sleepeasy and Ferber?

What is the difference between the two?  I did ferber with my son and just read a short synopsis of sleepeasy.  They sound the exact I wrong?  My LO is addicted to the paci and wakes up 6 times a night.  It has been going on for months and I'm done!  I do the ferber (for whining throughout the night) but still use the paci to help because she wont go to bed without screaming without it.  But he night wakings have not gone down.  So it is obvious I need to get rid of it.  So what is the difference?  And would you start at naps or night?  Ferber says to start at night, but I have heard conflicting views from Moms. 
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