Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Baby Story

I am at FIL's house and he thinks we should watch it since we just had a baby. I hate this show!

This woman on here went to 40w and 1d and got induced because they baby just didn't want to come out on its own (uhh give it some time). She also says anyone who goes natural just needs that star for themselves and she isn't like that, well maybe its becuase we feel its the best thing for our baby?!? I dont care that anyone gets pain meds but dont say I am just trying to prove something becuase I dont get them.

Also the doc says you were at a 2 last week and today you are a 3 (mind you this is her second child vaginal birth) and she says so what does that mean? And she asks what does it have to be?!?! Seriously you are dumb I dont know one person who doesnt know that you need to be a 10.

Making muffins with mommy! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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